Decluttering my Collection | The Palette Edit

Decluttering my makeup collection is going to be hard. It's going to be hard because I actually do like everything I own! However it's become a bit overwhelming and there's no way I can use it all - I also have lots of friends and family who would really appreciate and love a lot of these products, so I'd much rather pass them on to a home where they'll be used to death instead of sitting neglected in my drawer (which makes me feel kind of guilty). Why hold onto all of this *stuff* that's just bringing me anxiety when it could be bringing joy to someone else? There are also a few bits in my stash that I think are getting old and need to be binned... I'm definitely trying to be more mindful about what I bring into my collection - you've probably noticed far fewer big hauls on my blog this year (though right now is a bit of an exception; it was recently my birthday, I treated myself to a few bits when I got my ACII and I have a few things from Cult Beauty I was sent and will probably grab something with my birthday discount). This is because I don't want or need that much  new 'stuff' constantly but I also have other things going on in my life now, such as saving towards buying my first home.

I think the bottom line is that I want to feel excited and inspired by the products in my collection. I totally get where project panners are coming from, but for me - life's too short to force myself to use a product I just don't like that much, when makeup is meant to be fun and exciting. I can definitely do that with more functional products like skincare and brow pencils but when it comes to colour products, I really want everything I own to bring me joy in some way. Plus my tastes have definitely changed over the years since I got into beauty. I generally am quite good with not adding products I didn't like to my collection in the first place; I put new things in my everyday makeup drawer and if I don't like them they immediately go in my box to pass on, so this declutter series is going to be tough! I think I'll probably take the photos and put the posts together pretty far ahead of time as I do want to get the declutter done but I don't want every post on a Monday for the next 2 months to be just this! So if you see me post about a product that isn't in this series, that's probably because I did the declutter before I acquired it. Now I've set out why I'm doing this, I want to bring you along on my little journey and today we're tackling the palettes...

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